The Refine Plus is an upgrade system that raises the chances of successing an upgrade by using OPTIONAL items in exchange of higher gold cost.

The percentage goes by 2% then 3% and last 5% for a total of 10% more success chance. The Refine Plus only kicks in if the item refinement's level is +6 or higher.

Type of Dungeon: Group
Entrance: North of the Forest
Monster's Type: None
Monster's Element: Neutral
Available Time: 45 minutes
Cooldown: 30 minutes

The Dungeons starts when the party leader speaks with the Plagued Tree located in the middle of the map. Complete the 6 tasks before the time runs out.
The order of the tasks may differ:

1) Kill all monsters (moderate spawn, weak enemies)
2) Kill all monsters (heavy spawns, harder enemies)
3) Destroy the Metin Stone (Enchant Damage buff is necessary to deal damage)
4) Find the real Plagued Egg (Total eggs 60. Only assassins can damage the eggs)
5) Kill the Plagued Carrier
6) Kill the Giant Plagued Carrier (Assassins with Enchant Damage is necessary to kill him)

The percentage goes by 2% then 3% and last 5% for a total of 10% more success chance. The Refine Plus only kicks in if the item refinement's level is +6 or higher.

Special Dungeon Features:

Every player can respawn upon death only 3 times.

Level 48 and level 54 Armours reduce the damage taken by half.

Level 80 Armours raise the damage taken by 400%.

Level 70 Weapons deal 200% damage.
Level 30 Weapons deal -66% damage.

Level 75 Weapons deal -75% damage.

At least one Dragon Mage and one Assassin must be in the party.

Replace "XX" with the amount of the bonus you have on the equipment.


Max HP: Raise the Maximun HP by XX

Max SP: Raise the Maximun SP by XX

CON: Raise the CON by XX, bypass the cap.

INT: Raise the INT by XX, bypass the cap.

STR: Raise the STR by XX, bypass the cap.

DEX: Raise the DEX by XX, bypass the cap.

Attack Speed: Raise the attack speed. Caps at 200.

Mov. Speed: Raise the movement speed. Caps at 250.

Cooldown: Lowers the time to cast a skill. Caps at 200.

HP Regeneration: Raise the regen of HP in battle mode and in stand by.

SP Regeneration: Raise the regen of SP in battle mode and in stand by.

Chance to Poison: Gives XX % chance to reduce his hp by 1/20 every 3 sec for 30 sec. Don't work if the target is 7 levels higher than you.

Chance to Faint: Gives XX % chance to immobilize a target for 2 sec.

Chance to Slow: Gives XX % chance to reduce target's mov speed by 30. Don't work if the target is 7 levels higher than you.

Critical Hit: Gives XX % chance to deal double damage. At 100% every hit (not skills.) will be critical.

Pierce Hit: Gives XX % chance to ignore target's AC. At 100% every hit (not skills.) will pierce.

Strong vs Demi Human: Raise the damage against monsters and players by XX.

Strong vs Animal: Raise the damage against certain monsters by XX.

Strong vs Orc: Raise the damage against certain monsters by XX.

Strong vs Esoteric: Raise the damage against certain monsters by XX.

Strong vs Undead: Raise the damage against certain monsters by XX.

Strong vs Devil: Raise the damage against certain monsters by XX.

Absorb HP: 1/10 chance to activate at every hit. Gives XX % of HP based on your damage or the enemy's remaining HP.

Absorb SP0: 1/10 chance to activate at every hit. Gives XX % of SP based on your damage or the enemy's remaining HP.

Steal Enemy's SP: XX % chance to reduce 50 SP from the enemy.

Chance to Block: XX % chance to avoid physical hit.

Chance to Dodge: XX % chance to avoid physical projectiles.

Sword Resistance: Reduce Sword's hit and skill damage by XX.

Twohand Resistance: Reduce Twohand's hit and skill damage by XX.

Dagger Resistance: Reduce Dagger's hit and skill damage by XX.

Bell Resistance: Reduce Bell's hit damage by XX:

Fan Resistance: Reduce Fan's hit damage by XX:

Arrow Resistance: Reduce Arrow's hit and skills and also projectiles damage by XX.

Fire Resistance: Fire Elemental Monster's damage by XX.

Lightning Resistance: Reduce Lightning Elemental Monster's damage by XX.

Wind Resistance: Wind Elemental Monster's damage by XX.

Magic Resistance: Reduce Magical hit and skills and magic projectiles by XX:

Chance to Reflect: Reflect XX % physical hit damage to the target.

Poison Resistance: Reduce the damage over time inflicted by poison status by XX.

Double Exp Bonus: XX % chances to receive double experience from monsters.

Double Gold Bonus: XX % chance to receive double golds from monsters.

Double Item Drop: XX % chances to receive more drop from monsters.

Faint Resistance: 90% chances to resist stun attacks.

Slow Resistance: 90% chance to resist slow attacks.

Attack Power: Raise by XX the AP of the character.


Strong vs Monster: Raise by XX the damage against all Monsters and Metins.
Magic Attack: Raise by XX the MAP of the character.
Average Damage: Raise by XX the damage of the hits.
Skill Damage: Raise by XX the damage of the skills.
Average Damage Resistance: Reduce by XX the damage of all physical hits.
Skill Damage Resistance: Reduce by XX the damage of all skills.
Earth Resistance: Reduce Earth Elemental Monster's damage by XX.
Ice Resistance: Reduce Ice Elemental Monster's damage by XX.
Dark Resistance: Reduce Dark Elemental Monster's damage by XX.
Restore HP: 1/10 chance to activate it. Restore XX of your maximun HP upon monster's death.
Restore SP: 1/10 chance to activate it. Restore XX of your maximun SP upon monster's death.
Demi-Human Resistance: Reduce by XX player's hits and skills damage.
Critical Resistance: Subtract enemy critical rate by XX.
Pierce Resistance: Subtract enemy pierce rate by XX.


Strong vs Warrior: Raise by XX the damage of hits and skills vs Warriors.
Strong vs Assassin: Raise by XX the damage of hits and skills vs Assasins.
Strong vs Sura: Raise by XX the damage of hits and skills vs Sura.
Strong vs Mage: Raise by XX the damage of hits and skills vs Mages.
Warrior Resistance: Reduce by XX the damage of hits and skills from Warriors.
Assassin Resistance: Reduce by XX the damage of hits and skills from Assassins.
Sura Resistance: Reduce by XX the damage of hits and skills from Sura.
Mage Resistance: Reduce by XX the damage of hits and skills from Mages.
Max HP%: Raise by XX % your maximun HP. It doesn't apply on items that gives HP bonus.
Max SP%: Raise by XX % your maximun SP. It doesn't apply on items that gives HP bonus.